Roof Coatings

Roofs are expensive to maintain and even more expensive to replace. As part of an aggressive maintenance program, roof coatings applied to a roof system, in relatively good condition can extend the system’s service life for many years, delaying replacement.


Choose between a 5/10/15 year warranty to add onto your current roofing system

Roof Life

Protect and extend the lifespan of commercial roofs with durable, weather-resistant coatings.

Energy Efficiency

Reflective coatings reduce cooling costs by deflecting sunlight, enhancing energy efficiency year-round

Leak Prevention

Seal cracks and prevent leaks with seamless, watertight coatings for lasting protection.

Cost-Effective Maintenance

Minimize long-term roof expenses with affordable, low-maintenance coating applications

Coatings provide a renewable surface that protects the underlying membrane from exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light and heat, slowing the roof’s aging process. Highly reflective white coatings also significantly reduce the membrane’s temperature, which leads to improved long-term performance of the system. This lower temperature also reduces the building’s heat load, resulting in lower cooling costs for the building.

Take the first step

Schedule our Expert Services

Let us guide you through the process and help you with all your insulation needs.

(814) 413-0402